way2call on HomeSeer with vista...NEED HELP

I moved my system over to vista, and things are working well, except for my way2call modem. I keep getting the following error in my startup log:

error in initIVR: (100), value does not fall within the expected range.

and, all my tts from hs seems to be gone...but the system tts from the vista control panel works. if i make the hiphone my default sound device in the control panel then all my tts goes through the phone.

when i installed the drivers i did it incorrectly (connected the w2c before the reboot). i tried uninstalling and reinstalling them correctly, but to no avail.

I would ask this in the hs board, but it has been down all weekend.

Sorry about our site. The datacenter that hosts our server had a fire in their electrical room which killed the power. They say everything should be back by Mon morning. We have a backup server running, but only the website is available there. To bad they have 5 datacenters and we have 3 servers, all three were in this one datacenter. I can tell you thats going to change!

As to your issue, check your event log when HS starts and look for the messages about the audio device numbers. I bet they are showing "-1". They need to be positive values. If they are -1 then the way2call driver is not installed properly. Try uninstalling it. Also, check your audio control panel and make sure the system is set to your sound card. Sometimes the system thinks the way2call is the default audio device, and this is bad.

HomeSeer Technologies

I moved my system over to vista, and things are working well, except for my way2call modem. I keep getting the following error in my startup log:

error in initIVR: (100), value does not fall within the expected range.

and, all my tts from hs seems to be gone...but the system tts from the vista control panel works. if i make the hiphone my default sound device in the control panel then all my tts goes through the phone.

when i installed the drivers i did it incorrectly (connected the w2c before the reboot). i tried uninstalling and reinstalling them correctly, but to no avail.

I would ask this in the hs board, but it has been down all weekend.

Actually the log shows "2" for the audio device numbers. The default system sound device was changed to w2c when i first installed it. i went and changed it back to the system sound card, still have the problem. if not for the error in my log the initivr 100 thing, it would be all good, i imagine. what does it mean when i get that error but have "2" for hte device #?


Sorry to hear about the fires!

Sorry about our site. The datacenter that hosts our server had a fire in their electrical room which killed the power. They say everything should be back by Mon morning. We have a backup server running, but only the website is available there. To bad they have 5 datacenters and we have 3 servers, all three were in this one datacenter. I can tell you thats going to change!

As to your issue, check your event log when HS starts and look for the messages about the audio device numbers. I bet they are showing "-1". They need to be positive values. If they are -1 then the way2call driver is not installed properly. Try uninstalling it. Also, check your audio control panel and make sure the system is set to your sound card. Sometimes the system thinks the way2call is the default audio device, and this is bad.

HomeSeer Technologies

I moved my system over to vista, and things are working well, except for my way2call modem. I keep getting the following error in my startup log:

error in initIVR: (100), value does not fall within the expected range.

and, all my tts from hs seems to be gone...but the system tts from the vista control panel works. if i make the hiphone my default sound device in the control panel then all my tts goes through the phone.

when i installed the drivers i did it incorrectly (connected the w2c before the reboot). i tried uninstalling and reinstalling them correctly, but to no avail.

I would ask this in the hs board, but it has been down all weekend.
