Announcing CT*AMEE

So this whole thing was a joke? First I thought it was, then I didn't... I guess ya got me then :lol:

If it was not a joke, and you canceled it, then if Martin is really in China I bet he will be rather disappointed when he gets back.
As much as I didn't want it to be, it was indeed a joke. Thanks everyone for being a good sport, I hope it was fun. As for Martin, he really is in China, but had nothing to do with this :lol:
electron said:
GE's "crush you like a bug" statement was really discouraging, so we decided to cancel this device :p

Considering not too many people offered suggestions for improvement, I assume I was pretty close to what most people want in a good HA controller. I hope these specs will give manufactures an idea of what our unicorn looks like, and maybe consider building this thing :lol:

After additional market research, General Electric Consumer & Industrial has determined that a volume of only 12 units - sold primarily to appreciative, but very limited numbers of geeks on CocoonTech - does not justify further development of the GE*AMEE product.

All intellectual property rights are hereby released and transferred to for the purposes of realization of the CT*AMEE product. On behalf of the General Electric family, I wish you the best of luck.

As for the "crush you like a bug" comment, I didn't really mean it - the wife would kill me if I messed up these shoes.


Harold G. HasenPfeffer, Jr.
Corporate Counsel and Chief Public Relations Officer
General Electric Consumer & Industrial
imagination at work
I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. :D

Now that E was nice enough to come up with the specs, is anyone up for building it ? :unsure:
It didn't have enough serial ports, so I didn't even consider it and stopped reading.

Great April fools day joke......

I guess I waited too long this time around! But I knew it wasn't real because it didn't have Asterisk built in... LOL

Good one, E! :unsure:
I actually had Asterisk as feature in my draft, but then removed it. I probably shouldn't have since you can even run Asterisk on a linksys router.
I was glad to hear it was a joke. I don't need the competition with all of the devices I'm developing (or would be if I had any time :) ).

I was just getting ready to click submit on my Paypal submission for $600 to encourage develoment.

Ahhh well.