Whole Home Audio for Existin Home - recommendations needed

I've got a customer who has a home he wants us to help him install whole house audio in.
I'll just get right to what we've got and what we need.

Existing in the home:
- Speaker wiring to all locations
- Pretty normal home audio speakers at each location
- A volume knob wired into the speaker cable in every room before it hits the speaker

His desires:
- The ability to have simultaneous audio in each room either independently OR all in sync
- The ability to control this system wirelessly, preferably through iphone/ipod/ipad over wifi
- To NOT have to do any additional wiring to each room. It is a two story house so that would be a major buttpain. This rules out control via in wall buttons or IR receivers.

I'm a bit more familiar with the traditional hardwired control systems. What out there today offers nice control over wifi from an iphone/ipad app that will fit in his existing setup?

I believe a Nuvo system will provide you with the capability that you describe above. However, you won't be able their wall-mounted controllers unless you run additional wiring. However, I think with their app, you should get all the system control that you need.


I specifically pulled up the available controllers for the Essentia (which lists their app):

There may be other solutions, this was just where I first thought to look...
Russound C5 system has a great iPad app. Doesn't need keypads in the room. or
The Matrix Audio system allowed you to add source/power/volume control keypads in each room using just existing speaker wire. They were bought by AMX their product is called (SWT - speaker wire technology).
I'd say Nuvo system (essentia or GC) with a Nuvo Music server (MPS4 or MPS4E), or Sonos.

You'll have to research both.