Software required to support 1-Wire Hub


New Member
I want to use a 1-Wire hub, probably the HobbyBoards 6-way hub which is based on DS2409 chips, with Karl Uppiano's WxService software which uses the Dallas Java OWAPI software to drive the 1-Wire bus.

Does anyone know whether this works "out-of-the-box"? To do this, OWAPI would presumably have to have the intelligence, every time it discovers a DS2409, to explore both branches of the network beyond the switch and remember which branch each device is on, and then when accessing a device it would have to send the commands to switch the intervening DS2409s to the right state to access that segment of the network.

If it does not work out-of-the-box, what do I have to do to access devices the other side of a hub?

Or, what software (preferably open-source) is there that handles hubs properly? The software needs at minimum to handle DS18B20 based temperature sensors and upload data to Wunderground.

Thanks - Rowan