Sensing audio noise and notifying me


Senior Member
I've noticed a need for something for a while, and this last weekend it finally culminated in a big issue.

We have a steam shower that is fully enclosed. Once you close that door, you basically can't hear anything outside. The door is wavy glass, so you can kind of see things...but hear them? No.

We have an 8 month old still, who is sleeping in our room. And almost every night that I take a shower, I find myself thinking "Was that the baby?" So I turn off the water, or I crack open the door and listen....then find out it's not, so I continue. Finally, this last weekend, my wife and I were both in the shower (it was built for 2) and she heard or saw something, and it was our 3 and 5 year olds in tears because they couldn't find us. They'd been crying and shouting for us, but we couldn't hear them.

So this brings up the thought I'd had for a while. It would be nice if there was some way, in the shower, to be notified when something "noisy" is taking place outside. Whether it's the smoke alarm going off, or the babies crying, or the kids yelling, or would be helpful to know.

I've thought of maybe 2 ways to accomplish this, but I'm interested in any other ideas out there. If I pull this off, there will be major WAF as a result....

1) Many baby monitors also include a little lighted scale on them to indicate magnitude of that you can turn the volume all the way down and still see that noise is happening. So, I could put the baby monitor receiver outside the glass door of the shower (on a shelf somewhere), and put the transmitter in our room, and if we see the lights flickering or maxing out, we know there's noise going on. I think we have a monitor in the house that does this, so I can test this out to see if the lights really are noticeable from inside the shower. There's no plug there it could use, so batteries would be an issue.

2) I can replace the dimmer control for our shower with an ALC controller, and control that via CQC. Then, I would need some means of detecting the noise and notifying CQC, which could then manipulate the shower dim level to inform us that some kind of event is taking place. The advantage is not having to worry about batteries or finding a place to put the monitor receiver where we can see it from inside the shower. And I can also setup the lights to dim for other emergencies that CQC knows about....whether smoke alarms going off, or maybe the doorbell ringing, etc.

That's all I've got for now. Any input is appreciated.
Rob - I would think by the 3rd kid, you wouldn't mind if he cries for 5 minutes.

A work around to avoid scaring the older kids may be a voice announcement when the steam shower door is opened - "Please tell the kids you're taking a shower". :eek: Of course now the older kids know to check the shower if they can't find you.

Can an on-wall video monitor be wired? Might actually be easier than hacking the baby monitor. You could use the opportunity to install a steam-proof TS in the shower. :)

You could put the baby monitor in a ziploc.

Any noise from the kids will trigger the light switch if you hardwire it to notify if noise is detected - you'll need to be able to determine the noise level.

How about an ip camera (with macro capabilities) directed at the baby monitor LEDs, with auto sensing if the top LEDs are lighted? ;)

Admittedly, you DID say any input.

Edit - just found a current relevant thread at AVS.
Good suggestions all. I actually did consider the "baby monitor in a ziploc bag". I may still go that route.

However, your suggestions did inspire a useful google search, and I found this, which sounds like everything I'd want. I could just mount it in the wall with a perforated faceplate on it.

I just hate the idea of soldering though....I completely suck at it, if history has been any guide.
Rob - I'll make you a deal. I will likely need some CQC driver development assistance for a future project. I'll build your kit if you'll help me out with the driver when the time comes! :eek:
You could monitor the baby monitor lights with a CdS photocell, then have your controller blink your bathroom lights or something.

I actually flash the bathroom lights when the shower is active, and the garage door opens/closes (I still need to do this for my front door as well).

edit: I just noticed that your link includes a link to a kit which comes with the relay attached, so you don't have to solder:
I think he's referring to the fact that the circuit itself is a kit.

"Note: This is a kit, you will receive parts to build the item pictured."
Ah, must have misread it, I thought his links was just the circuit board, and the link I posted was a fully assembled kit.
Rob - I'll make you a deal. I will likely need some CQC driver development assistance for a future project. I'll build your kit if you'll help me out with the driver when the time comes! :eek:

Sounds like a good deal to me, since I'll happily help anyone who is trying to learn how to write CQC drivers (which is what I assume you mean, that you want to learn how to do it).

Let me evaluate this whole thing a little more to see if this is the route I want to go, and if so, then I'll coordinate having the kit shipped to you.

Dan, ya, the link was to the kit, though the fully assembled thing is pictured.

I noticed in the pic that the "relay" connections appear to just be holes. Not sure how you connect something you have to solder a wire connector also?

And I guess I don't fully understand...would the relay connection on that board go to a relay connection on my ocelot rly08, or would it go into a secu16 input?
Rob - I would think by the 3rd kid, you wouldn't mind if he cries for 5 minutes.

Especially if I'm in the steam shower workin' on making the 4th kid :eek:

Neat idea though...the sound activated switch looks promising. Microphones around with varying audio-level sensing via the computer would be neat. Maybe google "Audio Level Meter Software OR SDK" and see if there is an SDK or program. Might be able to tie it in with two-way audio in the alarm.
Well, just the idea of having microphones around the house has been appealing, whether for security while we're away, or to make a kind of whole-house baby monitor, since we're often also out in the garage. However, when I last looked at it to see about doing that, I found in-wall microphones to be incredibly expensive. And I didn't have an easy solution for that many inputs (say several different rooms) coming into the wiring room. Maybe multiple sound cards in a PC?

Another idea just occured to me...since every room has a network and phone drop, and only 1 room has a phone....I could actually get one of these sound detector kits and connect an RJ45 to it. And then I can monitor if any loud sounds come from any particular part of the house by plugging it into the "phone" jack and monitoring those downstairs. Hmmm, an interesting idea. I'd have to use the cat5e for the power and for the returning relay signal, but that's not hard to do.
Well, despite my subtle urgings, she decided the baby-monitor-in-the-shower-in-a-ziploc-bag is the way she wanted to go. So, I'll have to hold off getting a new fun circuit board toy. But I'll still help you learn to write drivers Zac...I'd do that anyway.
Sorry to hear that a chance for a new toy was shot down.

I've done some basic PDL stuff, but have an upcoming project that is a two way device with more complex functionality and will likely require CML. If I get into it and get stuck I'll look you up. Thanks for the offer!