odd upb observation


Senior Member
My wife made an interesting UPB observation tonight....

If I activate a switch with a link from a button you need to deactivate it with that same button or next time you press said button you have to press it twice to get it to activate it again.

I have had this problem or odd behavior happening in one location and just confirmed it in another location with her information
I thought I had bad programming... this just seems weird, that no one has posted about it before

Here is the example she showed me.

in the nursery we have a rocker switch over 4 buttons

3 of the the 4 buttons are programmed with lamp levels for the main light, if you go in and press button 2 to turn the light on and on your way out press the bottom of the rocker (off), then next time you press button 2 you will need to press it twice to turn the light on again.
I think you have your button set on toggle... I had this same problem when I first started out. In toggle mode, each successive press toggles the status, so you press it to turn it on, then next time you press it, it thinks it is turning off, so you have to press it a third time to turn it on again.

I got around this by switching everything to SuperToggle (I think that's what it's called) where a single click was always on, and to turn something off required a double-click. That way, if something else turned it on, and I pressed the button once, it turns on no matter what.