Newbie looking for input and suggestions

If you want to use LEDs you probably want to look at using devices with a neutral wire. Otherwise if you don't have enough bulbs on the same circuit the LEDs won't fully shut off (depends on the dimmer/switch and the specific LED bulbs,, but maybe 20watts min?). Not a problem with a neutral dimmer or switch. This is true for any technology, not just z-wave.

I have certainly had this problem with Christmas tree lights, but not with regular led bulbs. I have a number of Phillips led standard Edison base bulbs around the house with Insteon lamplincs (with the sensing current, the same ones that the Christmas bulbs glow a little with) and when you shut them off they do shut off.

And it is true that you don't need to put in this stuff during construction. HOWEVER!!! be sure that your electrician puts a neutral at every switch. For the most part, this is code, but just make sure!!!
If you are very picky about your switches than Aeon Labs has these in-wall micro dimmer / switch modules that go behind a normal switch to create a z-wave switch. They also report power consumption. Very cool, and about $45.

Link? I went to the Aeon Labs website but couldn't find anything. I have some custom pushbutton switches and this might be the perfect solution.