My employment status has changed and thus...


Active Member
...for the sake of transparency, I'll be changing my signature to reflect.

Last week I was offered and I accepted a position with up and comer Borg Displays. I will have the opportunity to expand the product's reach working in a sales role while also helping to steer the ship through technical waters. My background in home automation and custom AV systems and the associated design, field work and deploy/debug stages of real world projects enables me to see the market from a unique perspective. I hope to facilitate the company's growth while providing dealers, OEM partners and end users alike with unique, beautiful interface options.

If you have any questions, ping me here at CT or via the contact info in my signature below.

...and for those who know me here, rest assured that I will moderate my comments accordingly :)

Anthony Zotti
Congratulations, Anthony!

Which will you be pushing more - direct sales to DIYers, or partnering with manufacturers?

Would be nice if Borg offered an off-the-shelf solution for CQC, Cortexa, Nuvo/ACS, etc. Just a matter of packaging and marketing.
Congratulations, Anthony!

Which will you be pushing more - direct sales to DIYers, or partnering with manufacturers?

Would be nice if Borg offered an off-the-shelf solution for CQC, Cortexa, Nuvo/ACS, etc. Just a matter of packaging and marketing.
Thanks, Neurorad. Interesting question. I have known the owner (Craig Slawson) for a number of years now. I have sort of worked in the background, quietly, for a couple of years and I was the one who had pushed for Borg Displays to open up sales direct to end users in the first place. I intend to fully support and serve that market. On the other hand, in order for the company to be successful and to continue to be able to offer new products (and trust me, there's some goodies up our sleeve! Don't bother to ask for hints, they're not yet ready to be announced), we have to build up a dealer and OEM client base, as well. The other issue is that, with Borgs flexibility (XPe, Linux and WCE devices), long standing "heritage" and support, I don't believe that HA is the only app that the product is suited for. I hope to expand our media, commercial, renewable energy (and more) presence.

As for "bundling", I don't know. It may be something worth looking into but, I believe that the strength of the product lies in it's ease of use and the ability to load what you'd like on to it. There are already a number of tested partners that we work with and you can see that list here.
Understood but, keep in mind that we offer a developer/showroom program. The details are easy. For a maximum of two 8" Protege's (not for resale) the price is $990/ea. That's a significant savings over even the distributor price. This would be the Geode mobo with 1G DOM and 512 RAM, steel back box and PS but, doesn't include shipping. Also, you can get any color bezel you'd like as long as it's white.

Sound fair?
Congratulations AnthonyZ!

beelzerob beat me to the trek reference ;) so i will just say that i don't think they could have picked a better guy for the job. Good Luck!
Congratulations AnthonyZ!

beelzerob beat me to the trek reference ;) so i will just say that i don't think they could have picked a better guy for the job. Good Luck!
Thanks, Stamp. Look for a PM from me soon. I have some ideas that I want to run by you...