MS Anna speaks on XP.

yeah...I installed it under WinXp, seems good.

I think it's something to do with Win2k3 Server.

There's quote a bit of strange audio stuff in that. Oh well...

I tried installing the MSTTSEngine installer program found under both the MSTTSEng_20 and MSTTSEngine_21 on my WHS machine. Both installers seem to work and I now have a "Microsoft Anna - English" choice in my Windows TTS engine, but when I try to choose Anna, I get a "This voice cannot be played. Please try selecting another voice or selecting a different audio output device." error.
yeah...I installed it under WinXp, seems good.

I think it's something to do with Win2k3 Server.

There's quote a bit of strange audio stuff in that. Oh well...

Did you ever get anna working on win2k3? I've been trying to get it running on WHS and it sounds very pingy.
Vista's default voice is Anna. Anna is a far superior voice to those found on XP (Sam, Mary, Mike). Although there's no installer program for Anna on XP, there is a roundabout way to get it done.

The 60-day trial version of MS Streets and Maps 2010 (huge download: 1.4 Gb) will install Anna on XP. Before installing the full product, it will install a few support programs including Anna and the associated speech engine. After it installs the voice, it pauses and lets you abort before proceeding to install the balance of Streets and Maps. Abort it and, thanks to this loophole, you now have Anna on XP without having to install the full product.

OMG! this is the coolest tip I think I've read at a forum in some time. Thank you for sharing 123.