List of Home Automation Words


Active Member
I am working on a project where I need to develop a list of words that would be used when interacting with a home for automation purposes. I currently have about 100 words but I am guessing there are many more that are not coming to mind for me.
I was hoping that someone on the forums here may have already created a similar list that they would be willing to share.
Thanks in advance if you have one to share.
Are you looking for voice control (ie commands) or simple output?
For output, I would start with the words in the Elk M1 security vocabulary.  They have around 500 words and it covers most things I have needed, short of text-to-speech.
WayneW said:
Are you looking for voice control (ie commands) or simple output?
For output, I would start with the words in the Elk M1 security vocabulary.  They have around 500 words and it covers most things I have needed, short of text-to-speech.
Thanks Wayne, I am looking for input but the output words would probably give me a good start. I have searched the Internet to no avail in finding the word list itself, just references to it on the Elk module pages. Would you happen to have a link to the list itself?