HA in Europe


New Member
I bought a new apartment in Bulgaria (not painted yet) and am trying to find an affordable and versatile solution for HA that can be used in Europe. Mainly have in mind controlling lighting / power outlets with a computer based system. A lot of the products recommended here either don't work with 220v power or can't be purchased in the EU. I found an old thread with a couple of links I'm looking into:
...cocoontech...showtopic=9599 (sorry not allowed to post full link)

but I was wondering if there are people in Europe here that already have some experience which they can share.
HAI Omni-Bus: Lighting Control for the 220-240V ~ 50Hz Markets!

Do you have HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, CoCo, Düwi, Intertechno or Chacon available in Bulgaria?
For security sensors you can use X10 or Visonic.

If so you can use RFXCOM with one of these Home Automation systems:
www.homeseer.com with the RFXCOM plug-in
xPL for example http://www.domogik.org or www.eventghost.org

or use KNX

more information about European Home Automation can be found here.