Elk/ViziaRF/VRCOP, 2 way monitoring/control


Senior Member
I normally use CQC->VRCOP, but I need to test something with the Elk->VRCOP.
I've got the 1way working (Elk controlling lights), but i'm trying to figure out if there's something magical I need to do to get the Elk to see manual lighting changes. If I manually press a light switch, neither the keypad nor CQC(via Elk) show that its turned on.
VR106, 2way. Supports Instant Status.
Then again, since CQC has the ability to poll switches, i've never used that. I'm trying now, had other issues with CQC/zWave hence me wondering if 2way worked via Elk.
I just re-read the VR106 installation guide, doesn't look like I need to do anything to get switches to tell VRCOP about updates, so i'm pretty much baffled about how to make this go.
Another thing is that with VRC0P, assuming installation via Leviton Installer Tool... is that you have to set Associations for the feedback to work.
I haven't (yet) done this personally for dimmers, because I have GE dimmers that don't support it, but my Kwikset locks do, and they had to have the Association set.
The best documentation I found for this was in the Elk manual; I think for the M1XSLZW.
drvnbysound said:
Another thing is that with VRC0P, assuming installation via Leviton Installer Tool... is that you have to set Associations for the feedback to work.
I haven't (yet) done this personally for dimmers, because I have GE dimmers that don't support it, but my Kwikset locks do, and they had to have the Association set.
The best documentation I found for this was in the Elk manual; I think for the M1XSLZW.
eh, oh. Ok, I didn't do any associations. Let me look into that.
Hmm. I only have an M1XSP with the Leviton firmware, i don't have the ELK-M1XSLZW . Ugh. Nothing is ever simple in this god-forsaken hobby.
I'm not sure what it is that the XSLZW actually adds that the XSP can't do; both are serial expanders, but I realize that the XSLZW was designed as a specific Zwave interface.
The Associations portion is set during the setup portion with the Leviton Installer Tool software, so that part shouldn't have any difference with the XSP... and since the Associations/update is actually for the VRC0P anyway... However, it may be that the XSP doesn't read those Instant Status commands... or support the security class portion of the Zwave protocol, which is required for door locks (and I think thermostats).... I'm just guessing
The associations part was simple, but it didn't work.  Back to trying it via CQC, no desire to spend $$ on parts when I should be able to make it all work that way, its just harder to debug my issues since I can't take CQC out of the mix as a variable.
The ---ZW adds support for locks. Both should be able to see auto update. I used the non ZW for years before I added locks and it did report manual updates. Sometimes it took a few seconds for it to appear.
Hmmm. I'll try again tonight, I wonder if I foobar'ed the associations. It seemed seriously easy, not sure what I could have done.  I waited 10-15 minutes and it never updated.
drvnbysound said:
he Associations portion is set during the setup portion with the Leviton Installer Tool software, so that part shouldn't have any difference with the XSP... and since the Associations/update is actually for the VRC0P anyway... However, it may be that the XSP doesn't read those Instant Status commands... or support the security class portion of the Zwave protocol, which is required for door locks (and I think thermostats).... I'm just guessing
Just re-read this as I can't get it working; did are you using this via VRCOP->Elk->CQC or VRCOP->CQC? Did you have to use the Leviton Installer tool? I don't have that, I wonder if thats my issue.
IVB said:
Just re-read this as I can't get it working; did are you using this via VRCOP->Elk->CQC or VRCOP->CQC? Did you have to use the Leviton Installer tool? I don't have that, I wonder if thats my issue.
I have the VRUSB, and use the Leviton RF Installer Tool.
I am using VRC0P -> M1XSLZW -> Elk...  and nothing else. All of my lighting automation logic is done via Elk rules.
Ok. I'm using the VRCPG, and even VRCOP->Elk isn't working. I must have screwed up the dead simple associations in the VRCPG.
I know it is more money, but I think you need the usb stick and the installer tool. That is how I set up the associations. You can see it going through each unit and if it fails or succeeds. It is also to go through it three successful times to get the best routing.