Elk Rule for Motion Controlled Exterior Lighting


Active Member
Hi --

I have a bunch of exterior lighting and a bunch of motion detectors. The exterior lighting currently is setup to turn on at DUSK at a 10% level, and turn off at DAWN.

What I'd like to do is, whenever there is motion, that the lights brighten to 100% for 5 minutes, and then return to their previous level. I don't want to turn the lights on during the day.

So here's where it gets a bit more complicated... I don't want to use up a lot of ELK rules, and I have Vizia RF lighting. My exterior lighting is already in a "group" so that i only have to turn on/off one lighting code.

I'm wondering how best to implement....

1st thought:
Whenever Dusk, Turn on Output 10
Whenever Dawn, Turn off Output 10
Whenever motion and Output 10 is on, turn on Output 20 for 5 minutes
-- Output 20 rules
Whenever output 20 is turned on, turn on lights to bright
Whenever output 20 is turned off and output 10 is on, turn on Output 10 (hopefully, this resets the lights to dim!)
-- Output 10 rules
Whenever output 10 is turned on, turn on lights to DIM
Whenever output 10 is turned off, turn off output 20 and then turn lights off

/* Comments */
-- Output 20 can never be on without Output 10
-- The rules for output 20 and 10 are almost identical, except that the lighting levels are different

What other options exist? I don't think there's a way to set the lighting level to a counter value, is there?
I think you can save a lot of programming by using the "And Is Dark Outside" conditional to trigger the 100% lights. In that case it would reduce the number of rules:

1) At Dusk turn on lights dim
2) At Dawn turn off lights
(Probably the ones you already have)

3) If motion AND Is Dark Outside then turn lights to 100% then turn on Output 20 for 5 minutes

4) When output 20 turns off and Is Dark Outside turn lights to 10%

I think that would do all the same things as your rules

What are you using for outside motions?
X10 Eagleye's. The lights they're controlling, however, are Vizia RFs.

I'm all about value. I have a ton invested in Z-Wave and Elk (and I have a bunch of wireless indoor PIR detectors), but for cheap motion, you can't beat an Eagle eye. (They come very close in price to the flood-light motion detectors and are easier to integrate!) The Eagleeyes are basically disposable.