About To Start

I've been reading a lot of great information here and so far have avoided the analysis-paralysis of over thinking things...
I plan to implement in phases so as to minimize the initial complexity and frustration (for myself).
I will start with lighting and have decided on UPB but have a question first.... can one technology device trigger an event for another technology? Example: Motion sensor of technology X trigger a scene to activate UPB controlled devices?
I eventually plan to expand the configuration to incorporate garage sensing, motion sensors, door locks, home security, home theater. For this I'm currently considering HomeSeer Pro for the software solution to manage everything and Elk for the home security.
Where I could use some opinion input is with regard to the most logical way to begin... If I start with HomeSeer Pro I'll also need to get a PC to act as the stand-alone server and then when I'm ready to integrate the home security, purchase the Elk system. I estimate the cost of the software and PC to be almost twice that of the Elk system.
My other thought/option is to start with the Elk system and configure it to manage my lighting functionality and then integrate HomeSeer at a later date or when my automation goals begin to become more complex.
Regarding the Elk route, does the Elk system include a software interface to configure devices or is that an add-on because I've seen various HA web sites list just software for Elk.
If the Elk is in your plans, it's a great place to start.  Apps like HomeSeer are great if you have the time to set everything up, but I love the simplicity of buying an app like eKeypad and having instant iPhone access to the Elk and everything the Elk talks to, so Security, HVAC, Irrigation, Lights, etc - without having to really configure a single screen.  You can always start there then add on later as you have more time.
As for different technology triggers - yes... I have lights that turn on based on motion or door contacts triggered via the Elk, and I have Elve running on a server with a W800RF32 connected to also control lights via el cheapo X10 sensors...  the key is to have something that can act as the bridge.  In the case of the Elk, it's the Elk itself...  Or HomeSeer, etc.
Elk's RP software is free - that's used to set it all up; Elk RMS is an application you buy but its almost pointless now that they released M1toGo since it does nearly everything and it's free.
There are definitely different ideas on how to go about things, but personally I like having everything I can possibly have on the Elk itself for my reason above with the off-the-shelf apps, and for simple reliability.  I only break outside the Elk when I need to for non-essential automation functions.  I have UPB PIMs on the Elk and on my HA software so both can talk to UPB natively and benefit from better status updates... but automatically your HA software that talks to the Elk can control anything connected to the Elk as well.
Thanks Work2 - That was my general thought process but just wanted to confirm I was heading down the most logical path. Looking forward to getting started...
Here I started with Homeseer around 1998.  That said new home in the early 2000's went to installing an HAI OPII panel.  Today the software compliments the hardware.  I have duplicated hardware controllers though on the panel and software. 
I do consider the combo security automation HAI OPII panel; an automation controller on steroids; fully functional and self contained with no real need for much interaction. 
When you start to "play" with the Elk M1 it may serve as your all inclusive automation controller depending on what you are automating.  Scheduling and events management with security, lighting, HVAC, et al will be a start.  Many folks here on the forum base all of their automation needs on either the Elk M1 or the HAI OPII
Over the years I have shifted many scheduled to hardware controllers / security stuff over to the panel and utilized the software to add more hardware interfaces and more complex events to this and that.
I am into seeing any communications to the panel "instantly"; that said the direct interfaces to the panel achieve this; IE: Omnitouch screens (serial and IP connected).
Today I do have some 16 plus serial and around 7 USB hardware devices plugged into Homeseer via a DIgi 7 port hub and two Digi 8 port edgeports.
It is only one USB connection from said devices to the Homeseer box.
Basic security, lighting events and scheduling, CCTV and HVAC events and scheduling is managed on the panel and functions fine without utilizing the Homeseer software. 
A Homeseer touchscreen for example shows weather information; IE: current data from weather station, weather maps, and live cam pictures which works OK. 