Homeseer Message Board

anytime, just let me know when and where B) I agree, Skibums site is great, I go there daily from different locations.
Thanks for the plugs, guys!
I keep a link on the board to the Friday chats. Hopefully that is doing some good.

I think I need to get a cool logo, like you have.. B)
electron said:
I don't use the new post function as I tagged all the forums to have it email me whenever a new topic/post/reply has been posted, so I stay up to date just by checking my email.
I would also like to have email notification of all board activity. Is there an easy way to do this that I am missing? Or do I have to go into each forum and subscribe one-by-one? Is there a way to see which forums I have already subscribed too?
if you go to "MyPop" you can see what you are subscribed too. Yes you do have to enter each forum, then go to the notifications section to enable this, but it only took me a few minutes to do this, worth it in the long run.
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to clarify a couple of things. I am not happy at all with the way Infopop has handled this upgrade to our board. They insist that the problems will be cleared up very soon. I think it will be a while, but a new upgrade is due in a couple of days.

For me, having someone else host the board makes a lot of sense. I just don't have the resources to fully manage a board. However, if the problems are not cleared up soon, I may have to look at doing that. Unfortunately I am a little stuck. A while back I looked at hosting my own board, but Infopop does not allow exporting of attachments. I can export all the messages, but I will lose all the attachments. Seems a shame to loose all the libraries. So for now, I am stuck with them.

As for the fees, yes, we were paying in excess of $400/month for the Infopop board. But when we switched to UBB, its like $40 now! You really can't beat that, and that includes storage fees and bandwidth!

So, yes, I take the message board very seriously and ponding on Infopop to fix the problems. Please help out and post your frustrations to the EVE forum. You will see many other unhappy campers over there also. I didn't have any complaints from the old board, so I thought it was working very well. I even begged them to put the old one back, but they wouldn't.

Keep posting your suggestions and feedback. If anyone knows of a really good board that will accept all the information from the current board, please let me know!

HomeSeer Tech
Thanks for chiming in Rich, I totally understand your situation. Just keep in mind that a few of us are willing to help you out (Be it saving the attachments manually or whatever else you can think of), labor and technically, in case you aren't getting anywhere with InfoPop. Good luck!
regarding the attached files... why not pay a temp person to download all of the files, and then place them in a user searchable location, separate from the board, and continue that practice for all new scripts.
I like Electrons idea better.... you take the total number of pages in the files area, and split the load amongst helping hands. You would get the job all done in an hour. Then there would be no more ties to infopoop, plus the added benefit of a real files area. One that could be organized by type.
Rich, thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to post over here.

We are here to help and support your efforts!

Best of luck and wishes to you and your staff! ;)

I would also like to thank Rich for taking his time. Like I said I was not trying to bash HS and I understand that it was not Rich's decision to change the board and yes we should all post our complaints and hope they fix it. The HS board is a valuable asset for all HA nuts. Too bad they had to mess up a nice board.
