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  1. D

    Free Touch screen

    I have a whole bunch of 15" lcd screens with Elo touch overlays and have had very little luck figuring out how to get a video signal to them. What I am offering is a free one (you just pay for shipping) if you can figure out how I would hook one to a regular computer. I want to get a couple...
  2. D

    1 IR emitter 2 control devices

    I am working on setting up the IR control for my house and was wondering if anyone has 2 devices sending IR to a single emitter. I sm currently using a reciever, connecting block and emitter setup that is great. What I want to do now is also have the option to control everything from...
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    Dumetre's project place

    Name: Nick Location: Lansing, MI I am currently working on getting our TV mounted over the fireplace with the components located in the basement and also setting up a whole home audio system inspired by Jwilson56's setup. Living room setup/main audio zone Hardware: TV: Samsung LN-T5265F...
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    Anyone interested in all in one counter top touchscreen units?

    For sale post My work is getting ready to get rid of a bunch of Seepoint kiosks and I have been offered the chance to buy all of them and I was thinking about getting them, refurbing them and offering them here for what I paid for them + a minimal amount for the time of getting them all running...
  5. D

    Hello from Michigan

    My wife an I just purchased our first home and I am looking forward to "geeking" it out as my wife says. I am pretty good with learning new technology and taking on DIY projects so I am pretty excited. Right now we are doing the basics like redoing the floors/counter tops/paint but hopefully...