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  1. M

    Room/Occupancy Counter project

    Ok, I know there are people FAR smarter than me here and I've seen a very similar project here (albeit more complicated as it used opposing sensors but I cannot find the write up) but this "instructable" looks very interesting and quite inexpensive...
  2. M

    Premise Z-Wave Status using RZCOP/VRCOP help

    Hey guys, I've recently started using Premise and have an VRCOP with a bunch of HA14C intermatic dimmers. These dimmers, unlike the super-expensive Vizia RF+ devices, do not update their status automatically and require polling. Is anyone using the recently posted Zwave device driver for...
  3. M

    Premise TWCi Weather in Metric?

    I've recently starting using the TWCi weather plugin. Using my location code (as I'm in Canada) instead of a zip code and it retrieves the correct information BUT it only does so in Fahrenheit. I'd really like for my weather information to be in Celcuis. Has anyone adapted this script with a...
  4. M

    Premise Thanks 123

    123, I'm new to home automation and am currently starting with Premise; we'll see where it takes me. I just want to say thanks for keeping this particular forum alive. You could just keep all of the information that you gathered to yourself but it appears that you spend alot of time ensuring...