Search results

  1. B

    OmniPro II and URC for Automation

    Now that Leviton owns HAI, how have things progressed? How is support? Is it still a solid solution for security and automation? Has anybody integrated the URC products like the MRX-10 or MRX-8 and their touch screens with the OmniPro II? How solid is the integration between the two? Can you...
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    Elk WSV Water Shutoff Valve Question

    For those with an Elk WSV, how did you connect the green(status) and black(ground) wires to your system? I followed the install guide by connecting the WSV's ground to an Elk Supervised Power Supply (P212S) and the green wire to an input expander on Z16. What I'm getting is strange, my status on...
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    360 Motions and Cats??

    I have a friend with an Elk M1G and about 10 ceiling mount 360-degree Visonic dual-tech motions around his house. He is just about to get two cats and I'm wondering how well the dual-tech 360's handle small animals. Does anyone have experience with these and pets?
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    LED and Insteon

    So LED lighting is coming down in price and getting better. I’ve had a lot of mixed results with LED lights and Insteon dimming however last night I made a breakthrough on a bulb that works extremely well. It’s available at Lowes for $21.95 and it’s made by Sylvania. It’s their Ultra High...
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    Structured Wiring Cans Compatible with Elk Brackets?

    Are there any other structured wiring cans that have pre-drilled holes for mounting Elk brackets like the ELK-SWP3 and ELK-SWS? Does Elk use any type of standard (Leviton)? I’m trying to find a 42†can that I don’t have to drill. I picked up an OnQ but the hole spacing is different. Thanks!
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    Can Elk RMS Run Full Screen?

    Can Elk RMS run in a non-windowed mode on a desktop PC? I have a small case mounted touch screen that I would like to use but RMS grays out the full screen icon. Can this be modified in a config file?
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    Who is attending EHX 2010?

    Just wondering who will be attending EHX this month. What are the good hotels to stay at and are any of them reasonable?
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    Home Running Smokes or Running in Series?

    What are the pros and cons of home-running 4-wire smokes to running them in series? Of the two, what's the most common method of wiring up smokes and why?
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    Is the M1G Rated for Fire?

    I know the HAI OmniPro is but what about the M1 Gold?
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    UPB Reliability

    What’s the general consensus on UPB reliability? When I say reliability, I’m more interested in build quality/lifespan and not so much the communications. Would you put them up there with Lutron? I just started testing some gen 2 PCS products and like the look and feel. Much better than the...
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    HAI Camera Server and Pronto TSU9400?

    I have a client interested in viewing their surveillance cameras on their Pronto TSU9400. At Cedia, when HAI showcased their new Camera Server, they showed surveillance on the TSU9400. When I went to download the ProntoScript on the Philips site, surveillance was not included. So my question...
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    Door Strikes... who's using them?

    Just wondering how many cocooners have door strikes installed on their homes. What areas are you using them on (exterior/interior)? What brand/model? Likes/dislikes? Finally, if you have any pictures of them installed... please post them.
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    Russound to Acquire Colorado vNet

    More details here:
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    How flexible is the HAI Automation Studio?

    How much can you customize with the HAI Automation Studio? Can you import any image and use it as a button or backdrop? I see in a couple photos HAI shows a floor plan. Can you layer buttons on the floor plan to show when lighting is on or off or if a door is open? Why haven't we seen custom...
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    What Camera DVR's are Compatible with HAI Touch Screens?

    Besides HAI's camera solution what other products integrate with their touch screens? Is there a list of IP Cameras and DVR's their compatible with?
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    Dedicated Micros Digital Sprite 2 - Doesn't Work with Password

    The Dedicated Micros Digital Sprite 2 is not working with the latest version of Elk RMS. If a DM login and password is required RMS will not display camera images. When the DM is left unsecure without password, images show up just fine. Any idea when this will be resolved. Additionally, is...
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    Elk TS07 with RMS - Out of Memory Error

    Just installed 3 TS07's with the latest version of Elk RMS. All screens are locking up with an Out of Memory error. RMS closes and a window pops up on the CE desktop indicating the memory issue. Is there a resolution? The customer is becoming very frustrated. OT: Does anyone even monitor the...
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    ELK-TS071 Released?

    I didn't realize these were available for public consumption... virtually no fanfare from Elk. "The ELK-TS071 is an in-wall mount 7†LCD color touchscreen designed to operate with the M1Gold and M1EZ8 controls. It features a super bright TFT display, powerful microprocessor, and includes...
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    Anyone using a CAV or CAM for Elk Voice Announcements?

    Anyone using a Russound CAV or CAM for Elk Voice Announcements? Is the CAV's paging fast enough? What are you using as a trigger?
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    M1 with multiple lighting solutions

    Any issues with controlling multiple lighting solutions with the M1? For example, RadioRA and UPB.