Search results

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    Shade Motors (Somfy, Nice, others)

    Anyone have an experience with NICE motors, as a opposed to Somfy?
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    Elk & COSMOD4W with more than 12 COSMO4W Smokes

    The Cosmod4w is rated for up to 12 smokes. Looking at a project that will require more than 12 smokes. I would like to use Elk M1 and either 2 or 4 wire smokes. How are multiple Cosmod4w connected to the Elk?
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    Elk Vendor Recommendations

    I just found out the Automated Outlet is no longer carrying Elk products. What other vendors do you recommend?
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    Elk M1XIN "wireless" group \ Voice Announcements

    So I have Elk MG1 with a M1XRFTW on group address 2 and a M1XIN on group address 6. Per the manual, this addressing scheme should be valid so long as I don't need more the 64 wireless zones (which I won't.) However, ElkRP shows the M1XIN as a wireless group. Wondering if this is normal or if I'm...
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    Soffit Mounted Sensor over Door or Window

    I'm toying with the idea of mounting a motion sensor of some sort over certain exterior doors and windows. Even if I find a reasonably suitable sensor, I expect it would have a fair amount of false positives so it wouldn't be tied into the alarm so much as automating lights or some other...
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    One Siren for Multiple Areas

    I have an Elk M1 with two areas and a siren connected to output 2. I'd like the siren to trigger if either area goes into an alarm. However, what its doing now is only sounding the siren if area 1 goes into alarm. If area 2 goes into alarm, no siren. Is there an option I am missing? Do I need to...
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    Elk M1 Databus Severed Email Notification

    In can A, Elk M1 with M1DBHR. At the other end of the databus in can B, a P212S. If the databus is severed or disconnected, is there a rule that can send an email notification?
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    Hardwiring Motorized Shades

    Trying to wrap my head around motorized shades, of which I have no prior experience. The point of this post is partly to post what I think I’ve figured-out, and also to ask for corrections and clarifications. Since the original version of this post, I've learned a few things so I've edited...
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    J-Box Speakers

    For speakers that mount in a j-box, such as:   Elk SP12F Russound ISSP RDL SP1A   If these are mounted in a 2+ gang j-box, is there sufficent room to install other low-voltage devices in the gangs beside it?  Somfy dry contact switches, for example. Russound ISSP is obviously designed to mount...
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    Intercom with Elk integration

    I'm not interested in whole house audio, just intercom and it seems like voice announcement integration with the security / automation system is a natural fit. Are there any intercom systems that are designed with such provisions (no hacks)?   I've seen some posts about hacking the OnQ intercom...
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    RGBW vs Tunable White LED

    I'm looking for tunable white LED lighting. Does RGBW reproduce a quality warm to cool whites, like a tunable white would? If good quality RGBW LED are used, would they work as well (or better) then tunable white LEDs?
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    Elk control via Restful Interface

    Does Elk have the ability to control devices with a restful interface?
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    0-10v Lighting

    I thought this article explaining 0-10v lighting controls was worth sharing:   In Short: The 0-10V current-sinking interface used by dimmable lighting fixtures is not compatible with the standard 0-10V...
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    Occupancy Sensor Placement

    I've read some posts here where folks are using PIRs tied to their Omni for occupancy detection. I've read where using PIRs for both occupancy and motion are not a good idea, since they operate with different assumptions. Can I assume then, that those mixing their PIRs are placing occupancy...
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    Loxone, HAI, Omnibus, Centralite, RGBWW LEDs

    I'm gearing up for the start of wiring our new house. I'm trying to avoid wireless, so the current plan is to home run the loads and controls. I was initially intrigued by the Loxone residential PLC with maybe an Elk for security, but after some correspondence with the Loxone salesman I'm shying...
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    incandescent dimmer with remote input

    The search engines aren't helping me out much here. I'm wondering if any of you have seen an incandescent dimmer (120vac) that has 0-10vdc control, or maybe that could adjust dimming based on a low voltage contact closure? This dimmer would be located in a remote location, not in a switch box...
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    Prewiring for Home Automation

    I'm building a house and undecided about what automation system I might eventually deploy. I'm very much a DIY type that loves to play with automation when time permits, but need a system that meets the WAF. I'm not afraid of high voltage, low voltage, soldering irons, assembly (and other)...
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    Hardwired LED Lighting Control

    Is there is a standardized, non-proprietary hardwired controller for RGBWW LED lights? I'm trying to avoid something like wireless smart bulbs. How are the LED strips controlled?   Is there a "dimmer" like controller that can be mounted in a gang-box that gives full RGBWW, or at least WW...
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    PLCs & Ladder Logic

    Are there any home automation controllers that use ladder logic? Related, has anyone here used an industrial PLC in home automation? I used to do some industrial automation years ago (I'm not up to speed on the latest and greatest) and I'm also building a new home. In brainstorming how to...