Search results

  1. 8

    Self monitoring with asterisk or ?

    I have an M1 Gold in my house.  I have an asterisk server on a *BIG* UPS.    Has anyone ever had the Elk talk to the asterisk server to call the fire department or police in case of an alarm situation?  Would that qualify as a monitored setup for insurance purposes?   I'm specifically talking...
  2. 8

    Lighting control over distance

    I have a fiber uplink to the building with full lan access to the network.   Sounds like i could possibly do either ethernet or power line control.   Sounds like i need to do some testing.  Thanks!
  3. 8

    Lighting control over distance

    Hello,   I have an outbuilding / shop about 350' away from my home.  I sometimes need to turn off the lights from the house and don't want to run out to the building due to various reasons.   I'm about to re-light the building with T5HO fluorescents and would like to explore control strategies...
  4. 8

    Time sensitive scenes - possible?

    Update: I just found an application note on the Centralite website where they confirm that time of day variants are possible using an Elk or similar 3rd party controller. You send the button press to the Elk and the Elk changes the scene accordingly.
  5. 8

    Time sensitive scenes - possible?

    I'm wondering if this is possible. I have a Centralite Litejet 48 and an Elk M1 Gold. I know the two can talk. Is it possible or has anyone used Elk to make keys on the lighting system do different things depending on time of day or day of week?
  6. 8

    Water shut off valve

    Actuated ball valves are fairly common industrial devices. I've bought several on Ebay. Shouldn't be that hard to home brew a simple water sensor and a battery backup controller. I'm guessing careful shopping would net you a setup for $50 or so.
  7. 8

    Prewire w/ Spray Foam Insulation

    Rim joists are a commonly under insulated area. The real major cause of heat loss isn't conduction it's infiltration, and ANY foam, open or closed, will make a major dent in that factor. I have 2.5 inches closed cell in my walls and it's equivalent to 5 inches of cellulose blown in. I used...
  8. 8

    Prewire w/ Spray Foam Insulation

    Your way may be right for your location, but it's not true everywhere. I'd direct the astute reader to and read up on the different building envelope types and particularly anything written by Dr. Lstiburek. Open cell foam is not correct everywhere.
  9. 8

    ideas for long distance controls

    Just an option. I picked up a couple of fiber converters and 300' of fiber pre-terminated on ebay for like $65. There's no reason that wouldn't work if you needed IP connectivity out there.
  10. 8

    Look at this Chinese A/C wiring

    The switch is incorrect. I can't tell from your diagram what the switches function is, but the other leg should go to neutral, not ground. And there should be a load across the switch to neutral run. the way it is now, you're just testing the breaker functionality.
  11. 8

    The geothermal discussion thread

    6000 ft - 9000 ft !!!!!! AND YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW MUCH IT COSTS????? I just finished my 2950-ish ft house. It cost me about $125 / ft building it myself. I'm pretty upper middle class degreed engineer. I can barely afford it and it is a mansion in the eyes of most of my neighbors...
  12. 8

    The geothermal discussion thread

    $60-80K???? A you fricking kidding me????? I have geothermal in my house. The loop field was $1600/ton. The heat pump was $2700. The air handler was $1250. Mine is 3 ton hp, 4 ton loop (water to water has to be a bit larger loop), even if I paid double what I have in it, it'd still be...
  13. 8

    Best way to Rip, then Serve archived DVD's (and retain menu functionality)?

    I use Mythtv, DVD's are all ripped down to about 1.4G each. I can skip around in the video just fine. I don't have chapters in my rips though. Don't know why you'd need it. If you need to stop, you hit select and it saves a bookmark.
  14. 8

    HD DVR without subscription?

    Mythtv with HD-PVR or HDHomerun. Perfection.
  15. 8

    Elk with Litejet installation questions

    Welcome. I have a Litejet 48 in my house. When I wired it, I pulled a 100A subpanel to right next to the litejet cans. Saved a lot of wire that way. You could certainly do it the other way, at a wiring cost. If I did it over again, I'd probably put a litejet can on each floor. I had a...
  16. 8

    Jetstream - where to buy?

    I get my Centralite stuff from Worthington. Anyone can get an account. Good guys, good prices.
  17. 8

    Reliability of Centralite Hardwired System

    I can speak on this. I installed a Litejet 48 into my new home in 2007-2008. I love the thing. It's very reliable. The power switching is very industrial based. 25amp solid state relays are PWM switched with a max 8 amp load. I've had one go bad, it was my nieghbor helping me wire a...
  18. 8

    Touchscreen power?

    It is against code to install a box within a wall. No electrician should do that. What you do on your own is your business, but you may not be covered by home insurance in the event of a fire.
  19. 8

    That's a whole lot of power usage...

    Man, I wish my hydronics looked that nice. Mine's a disaster. (I didn't install it either)
  20. 8

    Terminating whole house audio cables

    Hey I like that terminal block idea. I'm going to a separate cat5 block for the keypads, and i just might do terminal strips for the audio cable. Nice. Thanks.