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  1. D

    Motion sensor loop issue

    I have a motion sensor that's been giving trouble alerts for quite a while.  I finally found some time to try to fix it.  The loop value is currently reading in the high 150s to low 160s when secure.   This is a 14 year old installation, and all the other motion sensors and contacts are fine. ...
  2. D

    OmniPro II UPB problem

    Last year I helped a friend install an OmniPro II in his second home.  He recently wanted to add some basic UPB functionality so I got him the parts he needed, helped him program and test the modules (using UPStart), and sent him on his way to install them (we also connected remotely to the...
  3. D

    UPB weak signal

    I've been living in my current house for about two years now and I continue to have intermittent problems with some of my UPB switches. Every time I run a comm test the results seem odd to me. The noise level is always reported at zero or one (mostly zero) but the signal levels are very low...
  4. D

    Running contacts to two controllers

    I have an HAI OmniPro II as my primary controller. I also have a Stargate that I use for voice annunciation and a few other assorted tasks. In my new house I wanted to be able to connect a few of the security contacts to *both* controllers to trigger events on either one. I tried...
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    Suggestions for power to a structured panel?

    I have a couple of questions on running power to my structured panels. First off I've seen someone post that they ran two different circuits to the same outlet in the bottom of the can. I had the electrician install a dedicated circuit for the automation hardware and second circuit just for...
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    Doorbell detection on Stargate?

    I recently purchased a Stargate and I want to get doorbell detection working. Originally I thought I would need something like an Elk 960 but after looking at the Stargate manual I'm wondering if I can just connect the doorbell button directly to one of the digital inputs with the jumper set...
  7. D

    Text-to-speech hardware with a phone output?

    I am in the process of building a new house. I am going to be doing HEAVY automation. One of the things I would really like to have is voice announcements. My automation controller will be an HAI OmniPro II (I've been an HAI user for years and have a bunch of custom written software to drive...