Search results

  1. M

    To Elk or not to Elk ...

    Once again ... here comes an elementary question ... I'm looking to do "basic" HA stuff (turn lights/HVAC on with occupancy sensors) with either CQC or HomeSeer. I hear a LOT of people using Elk ... ... but are you using Elk AS WELL as CQC, HomeSeer or the like. And ... would I need to use Elk?
  2. M

    What crazy things are you doing with HA?

    I recently posted what I thought were complicated goals for a new HA system I'm looking to build. The goals included a sprinkler system that would look to today's weather forecast and yesterday's rain fall levels to determine how much it should water today ... and an HVAC system that would use...
  3. M

    The most capable controller software?

    I'm a software engineer with a passion for automation systems. I'm looking for a flexible, programmable, centralized HA system that I can program to do some kooky stuff. Although, there's lots of things I want to do ... here's a list of the heavy lifting items: - Control the lawn sprinkers...