Power Monitoring using xAP


Active Member
If you already have an xAP / 1-wire network, here is an inexpensive way to add power line monitoring.

I have designed a small circuit based on a CR3110 current sensor and the DS2438 voltage sensor (battery monitor). Photo below.
This circuit allows continuous monitoring of the power being consumed in a 120VAC circuit. Below is a sample graph of the data from the circuit that goes to my home office. The baseline represents my computer running Homeseer (and its accessories). The higher points are when my other computer are in use.

I am using this information to trigger several Homeseer events:

  1. A power failure event (a log entry and an email) when the power consumption drops below 50.
  2. A power restored event (a log entry and email) when the power returns above 50.
  3. A reminder announcement to turn off my office computer at 11:45 PM if the power is above 75 watts.
I think this is a very effective way to gather and utilize power consumption information. It is a nice alternative to Kill-a-watt and TED the energy detective.

Steve Q


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  • CR3110VoltageMonitor.jpg
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